Are You Looking for the Current Donations Being Offered?

Occasionally, we have the privilege of helping donors find THE PERFECT person to give their donations to.

Donors sometimes enjoy being able to pick exactly who to give, or specifying which type of circumstance they would like their gift to go.  This site helps them to do that, in an easy way.  

We offer an application process which is purposefully GENERAL, and allows us to sort through statements of need to find EXACT matches to the donor's wishes.  This helps prevent potential recipients from falsifying their application in order to meet the donor's wishes, and ensures that prospective recipients are truly asking for what they need, not simply asking for what they see is available.

An actual screenshot of a recent application.

If you are looking for the place where CURRENT, BRAND NEW curriculum donations are being offered, just look in the sidebar to the right.  If there is a current donation running, you will see it listed under the image that says "Completely Free, NEW Curriculum."  We encourage you to apply for all the offerings, because you never know if you're just the person that a donor is looking for!  Good luck!

If you would like to donate BRAND NEW (or LIKE NEW) curriculum and don't want to have to deal with the barrage of responses in the Facebook group, or are a curriculum publisher and would like to donate, just click "Donate" at the top of the page.  Thank you!

Also, don't forget to put in your specific requests in the ISO albums on the Facebook group page - there are many donors who offer their used curriculum to those on the ISO albums first!  Many people have reported they have been surprised by a generous donor contacting them to offer just what they were looking for!